What do all the domain name statuses in the WHOIS database mean?

A domain name can have any one of the following statuses:

Registered This domain name has been registered by another party and is unavailable.
Available This domain name is available for registration by an organisation or individual located within the European Union.
Not Available for registration This domain name is not available for registration. This could be for several reasons including that it has already been registered by someone else.
Withdrawn This domain name has been registered but has been withdrawn. It is temporarily inactive and may not be transferred pending the outcome of legal activity.
On Hold This domain name has been registered and is on hold. It is active but may not be transferred pending the outcome of legal activity.
Not Allowed The name is unavailable because it is not allowed. It violates one of the technical limitations for .eu domain names.
Blocked This domain name is unavailable for registration because it has been blocked by either the EU Member States or the EU institutions.
Reserved This domain name is unavailable because it has been reserved by the European Union institutions or one of the EU Member States.
Quarantined This name is currently unavailable because it is quarantined. A domain name holder may decide to give up a name and delete its registration. When that happens, the domain name is put into a 40-day quarantine as a safety measure.
Application Pending This name is unavailable because an application for it is still pending. One or several people applied for this domain name during the Sunrise period and the validation process is underway.
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